
Your Radiant Soul

It's time to step into your power to create the life you dream of living.

Connect - Learn - Heal - Evolve

Let's get real for a moment. Does this sound like you?

  • You feel too busy to take time for self-care
  • You are tired of living in a mind and body suffering with inflammation
  • You frequently feel fatigued and dream of experiencing more energy
  • You are ready to move out of anxiety as a lifestyle and into ease
  • You feel stuck in mental and emotional patterns
  • You long for the connection of a supportive group
  • You struggle with negative self-talk and a strong inner critic
  • You are willing to make the changes to have the life you desire

It's time for you to join the Your Radiant Soul Community

Evolve Your Mind, Your Body, and Your Life: Learn how to feel your best, recognize the patterns you have been stuck in, uncover subconscious beliefs, and leverage the support of the community as you go. 

We create the stable container for deeper work through dinacharya, or daily routine, which  promotes health and well-being while preventing imbalance. These practices are one of the simplest and most powerful tools we have to take our health into our own hands.

Evolve Your Identity: This inner work will lead you into right relationship with who you want to be and how you want to show up in your life. This, then, clears the way for you to live your life in a bigger context. Most of us don’t hang out with people who are consciously evolving, so the like-minded community created here is one of the most powerful components.

Create the physically strong, mentally clear, & emotionally stable body and mind that you long to live in.


(Borne of vulnerability)

"Asking for what you need

Speaking your own truth

Owning your story

Setting boundaries

Reaching out for support"

 As defined by Brené Brown in the Daring Greatly coursework


"The daily practice of recognizing and accepting our shared humanity so that we treat ourselves and others with loving-kindness, and we take action in the face of suffering."

From Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown


"The energy that exists between people when they
feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without
judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the

From Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown

Learn simple ways to align with nature's rhythms to sleep better, experience true rest, and to have deeper energy.

Feel more calm and grounded by learning to manage your time effectively, while balancing your busy life.

Ditch the cycles of overwhelm and burnout and shift into a more easeful, graceful rhythm of taking care of yourself.

Connect without judgment
Learn new tools
Grow at your own pace

See What People Are Saying

People just like you have achieved amazing results.

"If you or someone you love has or has not been in therapy, but craves another way to handle certain situations in your life/lives, I encourage you to check out at least one of the Daring Way courses led by Kelly. My experience began with Rising Strong, then I moved on to The Gifts of Imperfection, followed by Daring Greatly. Whether these books are supposed to be read in a certain sequence or not, their contents, associated workbooks and short videos support whichever book/course you've chosen to begin your self-supporting journey. And, they even build upon each other. 


Sure, it's possible to read these books on our own and gain from them. Most definitely! However, when we read and do the work together, we gain a better understanding of our struggles to become the best versions of ourselves, because of the accountability and connection factor these groups provide. 


Thanks to Brene Brown's research and Kelly Gardner, I am continuing to become the best version of myself and believe me, I'm not the only one noticing. But, if I were, it's still all worth it!"


“Kelly’s Shine and Brene Brown workshops has given me the courage to pivot through changes in my life. She’s an amazing Yoga Teacher Master trainer and her Shine group provides continual support and out of box thinking through transitions.”


Now it's your turn.

A Look into the Your Radiant Soul Community experience:

Foundation 1: 

The elements of Ayurveda, the Koshas or 5 bodies, and The Heroine's Journey

Foundation 2: 

The brain, the nervous system, and the stress cycle

Foundation 3: 

The yoga sutras, Ayurveda and the mind, and the Pyramid of Belief

Foundation 4: 

Trauma adaptations, the inner critic, and stories of shame for women

Foundation 5: 

An introduction to Shadow work plus collective trauma and collective shadow

Foundation 6: 

Character strengths, core values, and personal mission statements

Foundation 7: 

Creating daily habits to support our mind-body system's thrive and natural rhythms

Foundation 8:

Courage, connection, compassion, and showing up in the arena

As a Member You Get:

Community Membership and Live Group Coaching Calls

When you join, you will gain access to the Community Membership with 2 weekly live group calls via Zoom. Our live online sessions make room for learning, laser coaching, Q & A, wins, accountability, and connection with the group. We will always refer back to and build on the Foundation lessons as we go. Group coaching enables you to learn from others, provides new perspectives, and alleviates the cost of private coaching. 

Accountability & Community

When we come together and connect with others with similar intentions, our powers for transformation and evolution are massively magnified. Become part of a Members-Only Facebook community where you can learn and share about the journey through the habits in a group of like-minded and supportive peers on the same path. 

Weekly Live Yoga Practice

Every week, you can join a live 60-minute yoga practice related to the current topics in the live calls. Every practice is recorded and added to the hub so you can also join in on demand. The yoga hub also contains 45-minute and 20-minute practices as well.

Member's Hub

All members have access to a course hub where you will find The Foundations course, the Live Call Collection, and the Yoga Membership. Twice per year, you will also have the option of joining in a seasonal Reset. The hub contains all of the resources to support ongoing growth and progress at your own pace.

Member's Only Podcast

Do you like to learn on the go? A brand new addition to the course is that you can listen to the replay of the live calls in a private member's only podcast. 

How to Join:

Click the button below to set up a time to chat with me! I can answer any questions you have and we can discuss how this community can best help you.

From burning out to shining brightly.

Your Transformation Begins NOW

"...one small change...had remarkable effects on my body."

"The SHINE course was extremely beneficial for me. It was wonderful to see week by week how one small change in my routine had remarkable effects on my body. I learned so much about myself throughout the course. Having the support of other women on the same journey was so encouraging. I find the one on ones that Kelly provides extremely valuable as well. Her extensive knowledge guided us through the course and I can’t wait to start again!” – Ramona

How much longer are you willing to let things stay the same?

You can experience the shifts you deeply desire!
And you don't have to go it alone.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start? It starts as soon as you are ready! You will receive weekly emails to guide you through the habits, but you will have lifetime access to the member hub, so you can move at the pace that feels right for you. 

What if I can't attend the live calls? Every live call is recorded so if you miss a call, you can catch up when your schedule allows. You can also submit questions to be addressed in the live sessions if you know in advance you won't be able to attend. You can also ask questions and learn more from the discussion in the private FB group. 

Why do I need to do this in a group? Research has shown that when we work toward habit change in groups, we make greater progress in shorter periods of time. A ton of information is available to you in this day and age, but if you were able to make changes on your own, wouldn't you have already made them? This is about more than just learning information. It is about using the momentum and support of a group on the same journey to live into the changes you desire. 

Is this a diet plan? While we will discuss eating patterns and foods that will support your individual health, there are no strict rules or restrictions involved. SHINE Body Bright is about honoring your own body's natural and unique rhythms to come into your best health in your own way along with the support of a group. This course is about learning to alter HOW you are living to be able to experience more thrive in your life. 

Do you have payment plans? Yes! You have the option to make monthly payments if that works better for your budget. 

What is your refund policy? I so believe in these habits that I will give you your money back if it doesn't work for you. If you join us, fully participate and complete all of the coursework for the first two habits, and still feel like there is something left to be desired, I will refund your money within the first 30-days. 

You can experience the life you desire.
Join us Now

Click the button below to set up a time to chat with me! I can answer any questions you have and we can discuss how this community can best help you.

About Your Radiance Coach

Hi, I'm Kelly. I am passionate about guiding others into mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual thrive. This work has truly changed how my course members show up in their lives. This work impacts our relationships with ourselves and with others and I am honored to be able to guide groups through this deeply transformative coursework.  


I'm a Mental Health Therapist turned Life Coach, a Certified Yoga Therapist, a Yoga Teacher Trainer for YogaFit Worldwide, and a certified Yoga Health Coach. I don't have all of the answers, but I do have the desire to help others find more joy and ease while creating the life they crave. I would be honored for you to join me. 

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